About Me

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Hi! My name is Brittany. Welcome to my little blog. I am a 23 year old mom, military wife, & optimist. My husband is Justin, and he is in the USCG. We have the sweetest baby boy named Grayson. I enjoy the finer things in life.. such as a $6 bottle of wine and bad reality T.V. Quite frankly, life is good.


Thursday, March 28, 2013

Six months old.

Dear Grayson,

      Last week, you, Daddy, and I were all sitting together on the bed. We were playing, chatting, and just taking it easy. Then something small, yet momentous happened. Your dad hit the bed with his hand. You stared, and then hit the bed in the same spot. He then hit it harder, twice. You hit it in that same spot yet again. Also, twice. You smiled, and looked at him for approval. You could tell you were just so pleased with yourself, and the fact that you had Mommy and Daddy beaming from ear to ear! This happened a couple more times. It may not seem like something huge, but oh, it really was. In this moment, I realized that you are no longer my itty bitty newborn boy. You are our growing infant, our baby. You are as smart as can be, and learning new things every single day. No longer do you see the world with new eyes. No longer do you stare at a toy with your hands in your lap, blinking those baby blues and looking side to side. You now look at toys with intent. You look at the rings hanging off a toy, and know that you want those in your mouth. So, you reach, grab, and bring them exactly where you want them. You look at the colorful and crinkly part and reach for it. As you grasp, you realize that you have just created that sound. You open and close your hands on the crinkly parts, and smile because you know what you have done.

      So, when you copied your Dad and hit the bed, I didn't only see a baby playing with his parents. I saw the wheels turning in your brain as you observed, thought it through, and replicated his actions. I saw you wanting your parent's approval. I watched you look at our smiles and know that you did something awesome. I watched you beam as happy as can be, because of your actions. It's hard to explain, but I hope that helps you to understand why something seemingly so small, was in reality so huge.

Comforting your cousin. "It's okay, bro!"

      You are such a playful little dude. Seriously, you can find fun in anything. I love that. It is truly magical how a baby can find such pure joy in anything, really. Sure, you love your light up toys and your bouncy and all your toys that sing all those repetitive songs that I always have stuck in my head. But, you also love to play with, a package of wipes or an empty water bottle. The television remote, the iPad, or our cellphones. Oh my goodness, how you love anything that we are holding! "If Mommy has it, I must have it!!" You could seriously spend hours grabbing at different parts of mine or your Dad's faces! Most of all, your favorite "toys" are your books. I just love that. You hit at the pictures, and turn the pages. You can be crying as hard as can be, but almost always a good book can calm you down. It's amazing, and I bet you grow up to be an avid reader.

You loved your Easter basket!

      You have gotten much more loving, as well. Cuddling with you has been one of our favorite things to do since day one, but you are figuring out how to show it even more. You grab and hang on, as if you are afraid that I will put you down. You know what you want!! If you want to be picked up, you will reach for us. Seeing your baby reach for you is one of the most amazing things for a parent. It's incredible to know that we are needed, and that you love us. Not only do you reach for us, but you have started giving hugs and kisses too!! I am not sure if it is intentional, but I'm going to pretend like it is anyway. Sometimes, if I am holding you facing away from me, you will reach up and put your hand on my neck/cheek. You'll arch your back and turn around and "kiss" my other cheek. It is amazing!! Since you were born, we have been telling you over and over how much we love you. All these little things you do now, feel like "I love you too"'s.

Those eyes, I melt.

      These 6 months have just gone by so very fast. Everyone tells you how much the time flies, but it isn't something you can truly comprehend until you are a parent yourself. It feels like you were just brought into our lives. Yet, at the same time.. I can't remember our lives without you. You are the absolute best thing that has ever happened to us. Being your mom and watching you grow, is such an honor. You are everything to me, and everything I do is for you. You have my entire heart, for all of eternity. I hope you never forget that! I love you so much, Grayson Ryan. Happy half birthday, my little sweet potato!

With love,
Your mama.

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