About Me

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Hi! My name is Brittany. Welcome to my little blog. I am a 23 year old mom, military wife, & optimist. My husband is Justin, and he is in the USCG. We have the sweetest baby boy named Grayson. I enjoy the finer things in life.. such as a $6 bottle of wine and bad reality T.V. Quite frankly, life is good.


Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Goodbye, New York.

    This weekend we went to New York to see Justin's cousin graduate from the Merchant Marine Academy. Overall, it was a great weekend. The graduation was beautiful, and we got to spend time with wonderful people. We attended a cookout with Justin's uncle's side of the family. They were all so fun, and consistently referred to us as "Southerners." I have never seen so much food at a cookout in my life. Literally, every time we walked by that table there were 2-3 new dishes. Of course, I tried everything. I am a bottomless pit, and I have no shame in that.

    We stayed in the cute, yet incredibly quiet town of Great Neck on Long Island. It was definitely a little different than what I'm used to. This town had $300,000 cars parked on every street, yet no freaking bar. Well, there was one place, but they closed before we got back at 10 p.m. one night. Do you know how frustrating it is to have a rare moment alone with your husband(MIL watched the baby for us), but then have nothing at all to do? That aside, I am so happy we stayed there and not closer to the city.

    A 30 minute ride on the Long Island Rail Road took us to the completely opposite land that is Manhattan. When I was a teenager, my mom and I took a few trips to NYC and stayed at The W in Times Square. She knew someone that worked there, so we got the fanciest rooms and were treated like celebrities. No joke, they had to clear Babyface out of his room so they could check us into it one time. Anywho, I always loved it. We had so much fun every time. I was head-over-heels in love with the city. I was very excited to see the sights, and fall in love all over again. Unfortunately, that was not the case. Like so many other things and people I was "in love" with at 15, my relationship with the city has disintegrated over time. Sure, the people watching is the best in the world. However, the busyness, rudeness, and general grime stuck out to me much more now as a grown woman. I am no longer a city girl. NYC is just not my speed at all, and I am okay with that. We had our fun. The break-up was mutual, and I will always hold on to the memories we had together. (from afar.)
    I will leave you with a positive note, because that is just how I roll. Did you know that at Penn Station you can buy a 32 oz. draft beer for $5 in a TO GO cup and drink it in the station/on the train?! Best part of
NYC for us. You definitely can't do that in the good ole' Commonwealth of Virginia! Cheers!!

Black&Blue. Modela Negra & Blue Moon!

With Love,
Brittany Danielle.

1 comment:

  1. I nominated you for the Liebster Blog award!! http://hotcitycoolmom.com/liebster-blog-award/
