About Me

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Hi! My name is Brittany. Welcome to my little blog. I am a 23 year old mom, military wife, & optimist. My husband is Justin, and he is in the USCG. We have the sweetest baby boy named Grayson. I enjoy the finer things in life.. such as a $6 bottle of wine and bad reality T.V. Quite frankly, life is good.


Monday, July 2, 2012

26 weeks.

Dear Grayson,

    I am now 26 weeks pregnant with you! You are currently about a pound and two thirds, and packing on more baby weight every day. You're about 14 inches long, which is about the length of an english cucumber. SO BIG! Your ears are more sensitive and developed. You can hear your Daddy and I talking to you! The other day, I was singing in the car, and you were going crazy in there. I like to think it's because you were happy to hear my voice. Your dad thinks it's because you wanted me to stop singing, but we both know the truth! You are also practicing breathing by inhaling and exhaling amniotic fluid. Get those lungs strong, baby boy!
    I definitely feel fully pregnant now. My back hurts, and my feet swell. I'm starting to accidentally hit my belly on walls when I turn around(not hard of course), or not realize how close I am to things. There is DEFINITELY no mistaking by anyone that I am pregnant at just a glance. Though I'm pretty sure it's been that way for awhile, I myself, am finally convinced! It's crazy though. With everything setting in and feeling completely real, I feel like it has gone by so fast so far! I feel like I am going to meet you so soon! I can't wait to see what you look like. Will you look like me or your dad? Or perhaps you will be a perfect combo of both of us? I can't wait to give you hugs and kisses and tell you how much I love you.
    At the same time, I am starting to freak out a bit! Not in a bad way, I just want everything to be perfect when you get here. I want your nursery to be perfectly put together, your clothes to be washed and hung. I want our new couches and our house to be completely unpacked and organized. I want you to come into a clutter free world. I want to be completely educated and ready for you. I want to know every little thing about taking care of a baby so your dad and I can be perfect for you! I know, your mama is crazy. We have 3 months until you make your grand entrance! For some reason, at this point it just seems so close!
    However, even with all these crazy thoughts of perfection before you arrive, I know we won't be perfect. I know we will fumble just as all first time parents do. I know stacks of laundry will pile up, and the dishes will get left to the side a few times. I know our home won't look like it came from a Martha Stewart ad. And you know what? That's okay with me. All I really want deep down is to know that your dad and I are surrounding you with as much love as humanly possible and doing everything we can to make sure you are the happiest baby. I'm pretty sure that much we can accomplish.

With love,
Your Mama.

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