About Me

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Hi! My name is Brittany. Welcome to my little blog. I am a 23 year old mom, military wife, & optimist. My husband is Justin, and he is in the USCG. We have the sweetest baby boy named Grayson. I enjoy the finer things in life.. such as a $6 bottle of wine and bad reality T.V. Quite frankly, life is good.


Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Six weeks.

I'M SIX WEEKS! (As of Thursday 2/2. Oops! Wrote it earlier, but posted this a bit late.)
(image from thebump.com)

    My baby is the size of a sweet pea! Aw. My widdle sweet pea. Or a lentil, depending what site you look on. Sweet pea sounds cuter, and I'm diggin' the visual reference. Lentils are dry and ugly. But yummy. ANYWAY. They grow up so fast. Just last week he/she was the size of a sesame seed. Tear. My little sweet pea's nose, mouth, and ears are beginning to develop this week. The very first stages of what is sure to be the cutest face. How exciting! His or her little tiny heart is also beating about twice as fast as mine. Surely, it must pump faster to process all of the love we are sending our baby's way! ;)

    As far as momma goes, I am feeling pretty fine for the most part. I am dealing with quite a bit of light cramping and pulling, but nothing concerning. It really worried me at first, but the doctor when I got my blood drawn said it was perfectly normal. I have a feeling I will be worrying about every little symptom a lot the next 8 months. As long as I hear from a professional that it's normal, then my mind is at rest! I have been very tired. I have been trying to snack on healthy, energy packed snacks like apples and peanut butter or a fruit smoothie. That has really been helping. It is really strange though. I can be practically falling asleep trying to make my way home, but once I get home, I just can't seem to fall asleep! I've had a few night where I've woken up a million times, but I blame that on my chest. Oh, my poor chest! It aches with the force of a thousand suns. My poor girls hurt at all hours. & Just when I lay down, I can't find a position that doesn't seem to put them in even more pain. I hear that part won't last for long though. Honestly, if that's the only pain I am feeling yet, I am thankful. Other than that, I feel fine. More than fine, actually. I feel amazing. Happy. Excited. So blessed, and so thankful. I can't wait to see what the next 33 weeks(and beyond!) hold. I already love you so much, little sweet pea!

With love, 
Brittany Danielle

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